My top tips for award entries that win

Top tips for award entries

Ever entered an awards programme?  Over the years I have written many awards applications for different companies. Lots have won; hooray, many have been finalists; yay, for some I advised that they should gather more results and submit next year instead; they simply didn’t stand a chance and the entry fee was a waste of … Read more

The 2016 winning #shaketocreate pitch!

Shake To Create winner

When we decided to create our #ShakeToCreate competition, there were lots of reasons behind it: we wanted to ‘give back’ with our skill set and ‘pay it forward’ with our time, in return for the opportunities we have had and the support we have each been given over the years we knew 50 hours of … Read more

It’s not a fairy tale, Video Pitch to win free service hours.

video pitch to win

So we re-vamped the #ShakeToCreate video for the festive season and wrote a little true story to go with it… Once upon a time there were two freelancers who had dreams of bigger and better things for themselves and their families. They united and formed a limited company between them, after a long search for … Read more

A Few Things to Make Life Online Easier

Hints and Tips

Here are some of the things we get asked about all the time. We hope our answers are helpful. Q: Why can’t I create a single line space in WordPress? A: When you press Return, it creates a double line space. If you want a single line space, then press Shift+Return. Q: My Facebook posts … Read more

How To MacMail HTML Signature

Hints and Tips

Here’s a guide to setting up an email signature in MacMail. Follow these steps to add a MacMail html signature with your logo and social media icons along with links: Step 1: Create your logo and social media icon files. Size them correctly for your html file. Upload your images to your web server. I … Read more