It’s not a fairy tale, Video Pitch to win free service hours.

video pitch to win

So we re-vamped the #ShakeToCreate video for the festive season and wrote a little true story to go with it… Once upon a time there were two freelancers who had dreams of bigger and better things for themselves and their families. They united and formed a limited company between them, after a long search for … Read more

A Few Things to Make Life Online Easier

Hints and Tips

Here are some of the things we get asked about all the time. We hope our answers are helpful. Q: Why can’t I create a single line space in WordPress? A: When you press Return, it creates a double line space. If you want a single line space, then press Shift+Return. Q: My Facebook posts … Read more

How To MacMail HTML Signature

Hints and Tips

Here’s a guide to setting up an email signature in MacMail. Follow these steps to add a MacMail html signature with your logo and social media icons along with links: Step 1: Create your logo and social media icon files. Size them correctly for your html file. Upload your images to your web server. I … Read more