How Podcasting Fits into Your Tactical Marketing Plan

Female business woman podcasting


Podcast consumption is rising rapidly. Whether it be whilst commuting to work or walking the dog, 19.1 million Britons tuned into podcasts during 2021. With year on year growth, this statistic is expected to reach 28 million by 2026. It’s not hard to see why. Podcasts are becoming more relevant than sifting through newspapers or listening to the radio because they are selected by the consumer. It’s content quite literally tailored to their needs. Corporations are taking to the microphone determined to engage audiences and expand brand influence. Small businesses would also be wise to catch on to this social phenomena. This article discusses how podcasting fits into your tactical marketing plan – how it can push your marketing boundaries and let your brand reach a wider audience.


When devising a new podcast show, think about how the content will serve your business and your audience. Get creative, but most importantly, be subtle when using podcasting as a medium to advertise your main services. The likelihood is that a prospective customer does not want to deep dive into the nuances of your business or be sold to. This style of content cuts off rather than connects with the masses. Instead, be thoughtful and strategic. Consider who your audience is and what they want to hear. Find indirect ways of advertising services within creative, entertaining content.

In simpler terms, if you are a B2C business, let’s say a cafe, customers come to you for food, so invite interesting people to talk about their food love stories. Connect with your customer base through a shared interest. If you are more B2B, interview industry professionals. Position yourself as an industry expert and the podcast as a place where professionals can learn or be inspired. In both examples, you have the opportunity to assert a clear brand voice that is forging a connection with listeners.

Podcast content can also be an expansion from other activities, such as training or webinars, like Fred Copestake of the Sales Today podcast found….

“I started the podcast under the name ‘Selling Through Partnering Skills’ the same as my first book. Since then I have done a couple of mini-series with a co-host, rebranded to Sales Today and broadened the topics to cover areas important in a modern approach to selling. Many of these episodes I recommend for ‘extra content’ following the training I deliver. Overall the aim is to share valuable things, build awareness of a better way to sell and to be a little bit of a profile builder. I’d say the best thing about the podcast for me, is the opportunity to meet and learn from the excellent guests.”

Lulu Minns She Rebel Radio Podcaster

Lulu Minns, creator of the She Rebel Radio podcast changed the way she produces and releases her podcast content by developing series’. “I have shifted from weekly creation to batch creating a content series. This gives a clearer beginning, middle and end, adding depth and meaning and we have a following for certain series such as our International Women’s Day theme.”

Collaboration and Consistency

After engaging listeners, you can expose yourself to new markets through collaboration; an essential tactic to any podcaster. By appearing on other podcasts or inviting other hosts onto your show, there is scope to expand your audience. For all podcasts, consistency is essential. Whether it be apple, or spotify, the algorithms of host sites favour dependable content, and shows which have a regular upload schedule are more likely to climb up the podcast charts. As ratings on the podcast increase, visibility can compound into popularity, providing a platform for additional marketing campaigns around your business and new opportunities.


Moving away from the microphone, there are several methods for publicising the podcast which, in turn, will become a vehicle for promoting your business. But firstly, remember to market to iOS and android listeners separately. Not everyone can access the apple store for example, so consider inserting the links to widely accessible platforms such as Google Podcast or apps like Spotify. Again, I suggest ads that showcase the guests or subject matter. This is much more universal than specific goods and services. Moreover, it can encourage cultural discussions that your business can become part of, building a reputation aligned with good causes.

Social Media

Instagram, Linkedin, Facebook, Tiktok… These platforms are all extremely visual and so audio must be adapted. There are several ways to do this. Firstly, you could turn to video. Film the recording of your podcast and post the best snippets. Alternatively, take powerful sound bites and overlay them onto an image or allow them to be sampled as audio on TikTok. This way consumers are inadvertently promoting the podcast by making your audio the soundtrack to their video. This has been successful within the wellness industry through the sharing of tips on mental health or entrepreneurs providing bitesize motivation.

Engaging dialogue can also become written copy. Type out quotes making them into memes, photos or posts. On Instagram stories, attach a swipe up link to send the user straight to the podcast. Overall, be sure to share the content via your business accounts. Allow your social media profiles to become a platform for cultural conversations where likes, comments, and interactions increase visibility. The brand can also become an authority on the topic through association.

Alternatively, if you want to be more explicit in marketing your services, many podcasts have adverts. Give your business a slot in each episode.

Boosting the business

So how does a podcast fit into your tactical marketing plan? By taking to the microphone, podcasting increases brand awareness by subtly marketing your business whilst sharing engaging content. As the audience grows, so does brand visibility. The public can see you, but also hear you. Through audio you have the opportunity to quite literally give your business a voice. You can advocate your services, culture, or standpoint on wider issues circulating the public domain.

Lulu Minns, of She Rebel Radio said: “My podcast has served as a natural networking tool and great introduction point. Whilst it is very much long-term gain and doesn’t instantly deliver coaching and retreat clients to me, other speaking and workshop opportunities have come from it, as has sponsorship, which has been invaluable for building brand awareness. ”

When marketing the podcast itself, you also have the scope to push the social media of your business further, with sound bites, memes and copy inspired from the show. So in delivering your own podcast, the conversations produced can ignite conversation and hopefully inspire additional campaigns.

Let us know if you decide to get into podcasting!

Molly Downham for Shake It Up Creative